How To Pandemic-Proof Your Promotion

Countless businesses were forced to close, job loss has become commonplace, and we are hearing about redundancies all the time — the impact of the global health crisis throughout the job market in every sector has been palpable.

For those lucky enough to still have a job, you might be wondering how to set yourself apart or even excel as we surpass one year of working from home. How do you get your boss to notice your efforts? How can you get true facetime to discuss your career goals with your manager? Are you struggling to show the good work you’ve done and the wins you’ve made for clients? Perhaps that pathway to success is becoming a little hazy… so here are some quick tips on how to clear the way and shift back into success mode. 

No. 1

Consider online learning

Not only does signing up for a course show initiative and a desire to grow professionally, but it also beefs up your skillset and opens your mind to potential lateral moves that you previously might not have thought of.  Plus, a broader skillset makes you more valuable and interesting to potential clients, if you are self-employed.

The Coaching Company will be offering online-learning courses very soon to be up on all the latest courses, webinars and events be sure to check out our Programs.

No. 2

Stay active online

Especially if you work in any type of communications. Position yourself as a thought-leader by contributing to conversations on the new app Clubhouse, write industry-specific blogs and post them on LinkedIn, or start a professional ‘business’ account on Instagram to showcase your talents and offerings. Alternatively, host a weekly online meetup (we know you’re sick of Zoom!) but take initiative by networking, inviting speakers, or by establishing a panel for discussion. It’s sort of like an online book club… but for your career.

No. 3

Consider hiring a coach

We know you’re tired of the word pivot and the idea of ‘starting fresh’ probably sounds incredibly stale. All the more reason that a fresh set of ears and eyes can help you shift into a new perspective on where you should be working, what you should be working on, and who you should be working with. Book a free discovery call today with a coach from The Coaching Company and get back on track with that promotion (or pivot!) that is waiting for you.

About The Coaching Company

Located in Toronto’s Junction Neighbourhood, this team of seasoned entrepreneurs and thought-leaders is currently offering online programs as well as 1:1 coaching. We look forward to welcoming you back to our co-working spaces and in person offerings just as soon as it is safe. Click here to get in touch today.

More About Our Offerings


A holistic approach to your health including physical, mental and emotional stability. Work on your habits, behaviours, meditation, mental fitness, self-talk, nutrition, mindfulness, sleep and physical routines.

Personal Growth

Plan ahead and develop your professional career. Improve or enhance your skill set and social IQ. We can help you pinpoint the best aspects of your personal and professional experiences to better help you achieve your goals.

Business & Leadership

Geared to help Entrepreneurs, Leaders, and  Executives to develop better self-awareness, guidance on how to best clarify business goals, strategize decisions, and achieve your business objectives.

Corporate & Teams

We can assist your organization in developing your team’s individual skills, better team collaboration, and strategic decision-making to best achieve corporate objectives.

coach James Cappellano

James Cappellano

Coaching Specialties:
Entrepreneur, Professional, Personal & Business Development

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